Once an order is shipped you will be sent a tracking number to track your package. Packages do not require a signature by our carriers as a default for residential addresses and will be left at the shipping address provided under the carriers discretion. We ship with frozen gel packs to prevent spoilage on items like cheese and meats.
If you are purchasing perishable items (such as dairy and meat products) or heat sensitive items (such as chocolate products), we recommend selecting one of the following FedEx shipping options: FedEx: Overnight or 2 Day Air. An overnight service should be selected for frozen meat products; Any selection other than a FedEx overnight service is at the customer’s own risk. If you select USPS for perishable items, it is at your own risk and we will not be held responsible if the items perish. Ground shipping is not recommended for perishable/heat sensitive items (especially in the summer months. It is at the customer’s own risk.
*We will not be responsible for perishables if a FedEx overnight service is not selected.
If you would like your order to arrive and/or ship on a specific day please let us know in your order comments. If we cannot ship according to the request we will notify you by e-mail.
During the summer, we ship in insulated shipping packaging to prevent spoilage for perishable items..
Our shipping costs are determined by the weight of the package and the shipping address zip code. A fee is also applied to the shipping cost to cover for the packaging material.
Due to the perishable nature of cheese and meat we avoid shipping them later in the week to prevent the package from spending the weekend in a warehouse.
We ship all orders that require 3 days transit time on Monday and Tuesday. We ship 2 Day Air orders on Monday-Wednesday. We ship overnight packages Monday-Thursday. Once an order is received, it may take from 1-5 business days before it ships. Allow an additional 1-5 business days during the holidays. The carrier’s delivery days listed at checkout are from the day an order ships. Please note that FedEx/UPS Ground delivery days are not guaranteed.
We ship perishable products. Therefore it is imperative that someone be present when FedEx/UPS/USPS delivers this package. We are not responsible for the package after the first delivery attempt is made. You will have a tracking number to estimate the arrival date. If you are unsure if the recipient will be present at the arrival time DO NOT SEND any perishable goods. We ship perishable items frozen in insulated packaging which preserves them for up to 48 hours (depending on weather conditions), after which they are subject to unfavorable conditions, especially during the summer season. FedEx?UPS may deliver to certain states in 1-2 business days; hence using this option may be acceptable. In any other state, you must use 2-day Air or Next Day option to guarantee safe delivery. If you have multiple shipments, we recommend that you separate Perishable and Non-Perishable items into two separate orders in order to minimize your shipping expenses. We make adjustments on shipment dates to avoid weekend delays when perishables are present. While this may delay your order, we do this to protect your order. Stanley’s Homemade Sausage Company will not accept responsibility for damages to perishable items under any condition or damage to items that are sensitive to heat such as cakes and chocolates.
We guarantee shipment to the address provided. During warm weather, in most cases if we ship to an incorrect address provided by the customer and the contents have perished, then they can’t be reshipped.
If a product(s) in your order is not available at the time it is being picked and packed we will either: 1. Omit the product(s), ship the rest of the order and issue a refund or 2. Replace the product(s) with a similar one(s).
Please note that if you are purchasing multiple quantities of the same deli fresh item, one piece of that item equaling the weight ordered may be packaged. You may tell us to not do that in the order comments.
In the unlikely event that a product received is incorrect, spoiled, damaged or shorted in the shipment, Stanley’s Homemade Sausage Company must be notified within 48 hours of receipt of the product(s) in question for appropriate action to take place such as a credit or refund to be issued and or processed and or a re-shipment.
An order can not be canceled after 24 hours of placing the order. Exceptions may apply due to our discretion.
Returns are not accepted after 5 days from the date the order is received. We do not accept returns on perishable items. You cannot return items that you do not like in taste or package shape. Items that have been opened can not be returned. Return shipping charges are the customer’s responsibility. Shipping and handling charges are NOT refundable. Returns may be subject to a 5-20 percent restocking fee.
We do not reship orders that are returned to us by the carrier due to it being undeliverable and do not ship to a different address other than the shipping address associated with an order. If an order is returned to us due to it being undeliverable by the carrier for any reason, and the product is not perishable and not damaged, a refund will be issued for the returned item(s); shipping charges are not refundable and the items returned may be subject to a 5-20 percent restocking fee. NOTE: We need to have the return physically delivered to us for any of the above to take place.
Returns must be sent to:
Stanley’s Homemade Sausage Company
2945 East Bell Rd Suite #101
Phoenix, AZ 85032